トランペット Trumpet SHUN SASAKI 佐々木駿
2019年、日中文化交流協会の音楽家派遣事業で訪中。2020年、多年の功労を称えられ岩手県警察本部長から感謝状を授与。2021年には、日本人で初めてオーストリアの世界的な楽器メーカー「SCHAGERL Artist(シャーゲル・アーティスト)」に就任。2022年、1st アルバム「Sky」をリリース。2023年、韓国(ソウル)での招待演奏に出演し、好評を博す。
これまでにトランペットを、ベンハート・ベア、ヨーゼフ・アイデンベルガー、エドワード・H・タール、ハンス・ガンシュ、北村源三の各氏に師事。ガボール・タルケヴィ、アルフレッド・ガール、クリスティアン・ ホーレンシュタイナー各氏、および室内楽をツォルト・サイモンのマスタークラスを修了。
佐々木 駿
Shun Sasaki
Trumpet player active internationally.
Born in Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture. While attending Kunitachi College of Music High School, he was described as an ''Angel's Trumpet'' by Austrian composer Baldwin Sulzer, and after graduating, he studied abroad at the Anton Bruckner Private University in Austria. While attending school, he performed with numerous artists and orchestras.
As a member of the Mozart Kammer Orchester, he has performed at venues such as the Musikverein in Vienna and the Bruckner House in Linz. In 2017, he made his overseas solo debut at a concert held in Porto.
In 2019, he visited China as part of the Japan-China Cultural Exchange Association's musician dispatch project. In 2020, he received a letter of appreciation from the Iwate Prefectural Police Headquarters in recognition of his many years of service. In 2021, he will become the first Japanese person to become a member of SCHAGERL Artist. In 2022, the 1st album “Sky” will be released. In 2023, he performed as an invited performer in South Korea (Seoul) and was well received.
Lecturer at Heisei College of Music, part-time lecturer in the Department of Music, Faculty of Education, Iwate University, lecturer in the Iwate Prefectural Police Band, music director of the Pacific Brass Orqesta, music director of the Iwate Trumpet Society, Iwate British Brass Band Music director.
He has studied trumpet with Bernhart Baer, Joseph Eidenberger, Edward H. Tarr, Hans Gansch, and Genzo Kitamura. Completed master classes with Gábor Tarkövi, Alfred Gaar, Christian Horensteiner, and Zolt Simon in chamber music.